ClusTorus is a package for clustering multivariate angular data, especially for protein structure data. ClusTorus provides various clustering algorithms designed with the conformal prediction framework, which can deal with the outliers. The package suggests various methods for fitting the algorithms, and some of them will be introduced soon. The package also provides some simple tools for handling angluar data, such as angular subtraction, computing angular distance, etc. Now, check how to use ClusTorus briefly.
ClusTorus provides two toy datasets, which are used in Jung,, “Clustering on the Torus by Conformal Prediction”, Annals of Applied Statistics. The dataset we will use here is sampled from a mixture of K = 3 clusters, where the first cluster is sampled from a spherical normal distribution with size n1 = 100, the second cluster of size n2 = 350 is from the uniform distribution on a large “L”-shaped region, and the third cluster of size 50 is sampled from the uniform distribution on the entire 𝕋2.
data <- toydata2
#> phi psi label
#> 1 2.730154 0.2819140 1
#> 2 3.004941 0.7895926 1
#> 3 2.733773 0.9507966 1
#> 4 2.976103 0.6336779 1
#> 5 2.655409 0.6599409 1
#> 6 3.196350 0.6545109 1
data %>% ggplot(aes(x = phi, y = psi, color = label)) + geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0,1,2,3,4)*pi/2, labels = c("0","pi/2","pi","3pi/2","2pi"), limits = c(0,2*pi))+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0,1,2,3,4)*pi/2, labels = c("0","pi/2","pi","3pi/2","2pi"), limits = c(0,2*pi))+
ggtitle('Data set 2 with true labels')
ClusTorus provides the function
, which converts
the radian scale data to be on [0, 2π)d, where
d means the number of
dimension. In this case, the provided dataset is already on [0, 2π)d, and
thus we don’t need to use on.torus
Now, we are ready to implement clustering algorithms to the data.
ClusTorus provides various options for clustering/constructing
prediction set, but we will provide only the case for “kmeans -
general”. We need to choose hyperparameters: the number of modes or
ellipsoids J and the
significance level α. Before
choosing the hyperparameter, we will implement the model fitting
function icp.torus.score
with various hyperparameter
options, first.
Jvec <- 5:30
l <- icp.torus(as.matrix(data[, 1:2]),
model = "kmeans",
kmeansfitmethod = "general",
init = "hierarchical",
J = Jvec,
verbose = FALSE)
The list l
contains the icp.torus
which consist of fitted parameters for generating clusters, by varying
the hypterparameter J. That
is, these objects are optimally fitted ingredients for generating
clusters for given J. By
specifying the significance level, we can get the clusters. But, how to
generate optimal clusters/conformal prediction sets? One may think that
the hyperparameter which generates the cluster/prediction set of the
minimum volume/area will be the optimum for given significance level.
The other may think that we can choose the number of mixture components
J by using information
criteria such as AIC or BIC. These approaches are implemented in the
function hyperparam.torus
; the main arguments of
is data
, and option
. Analogously,
the argument data
is analogously for the data.
is for the list object whose elements are
objects, such as the list l
generated above. The argument option
, which is the most
important argument, is for the hyperparameter selection criterion. If
option = "elbow"
, then hyperparam.torus
selects J and α based on the volume based
criterion as mentioned above. If option = "AIC"
option = "BIC"
, then hyperparam.torus
J based on the designated
information criterion, and selects the most stable α in the sense of the number of
generated clusters. If option = "risk"
, then it chooses
J which minimizes the sum of
the conformity scores and analogously choose the stable α. We will use
option = "risk"
in this case, and the following codes show
the criterion results(J versus
the evaluated criterion), α
results(α versus the number of
clusters), and chosen J and
output <- hyperparam.torus(l, option = "risk")
#> ..........................
#> .......
#> Type of conformity score: kmeans general
#> Optimizing method: risk
#> -------------
#> Optimally chosen parameters. Number of components = 5 , alpha = 0.084
#> Results based on criterion risk :
#> J criterion
#> 1 5 2495.134
#> 2 6 2499.865
#> 3 7 2501.007
#> 4 8 2510.881
#> 5 9 2536.576
#> 6 10 2555.744
#> 7 11 2552.515
#> 8 12 2549.668
#> 9 13 2568.499
#> 10 14 2585.362
#> 11 15 2595.043
#> 12 16 2608.337
#> 13 17 2604.204
#> 14 18 2598.733
#> 15 19 2612.264
#> 16 20 2616.506
#> 17 21 2638.969
#> 18 22 2639.597
#> 19 23 2654.307
#> 20 24 2656.181
#> 21 25 2659.685
#> 22 26 2668.536
#> 23 27 2668.536
#> 24 28 2737.958
#> 25 29 2759.033
#> 26 30 2754.286
#> Clustering results by varying alpha on [0.0020.15] :
#> alpha ncluster
#> 1 0.002 1
#> 2 0.004 1
#> 3 0.006 1
#> 4 0.008 1
#> 5 0.010 1
#> 6 0.012 1
#> 7 0.014 1
#> 8 0.016 1
#> 9 0.018 1
#> 10 0.020 2
#> 11 0.022 2
#> 12 0.024 2
#> 13 0.026 2
#> 14 0.028 3
#> 15 0.030 3
#> 16 0.032 4
#> 17 0.034 4
#> 18 0.036 4
#> 19 0.038 4
#> 20 0.040 4
#> 21 0.042 4
#> 22 0.044 4
#> 23 0.046 4
#> 24 0.048 4
#> 25 0.050 4
#> 26 0.052 4
#> 27 0.054 4
#> 28 0.056 4
#> 29 0.058 2
#> 30 0.060 2
#> 31 0.062 2
#> 32 0.064 2
#> 33 0.066 2
#> 34 0.068 2
#> 35 0.070 2
#> 36 0.072 2
#> 37 0.074 2
#> 38 0.076 2
#> 39 0.078 2
#> 40 0.080 2
#> 41 0.082 2
#> 42 0.084 2
#> 43 0.086 2
#> 44 0.088 2
#> 45 0.090 2
#> 46 0.092 2
#> 47 0.094 2
#> 48 0.096 2
#> 49 0.098 2
#> 50 0.100 2
#> 51 0.102 2
#> 52 0.104 2
#> 53 0.106 2
#> 54 0.108 2
#> 55 0.110 2
#> 56 0.112 3
#> 57 0.114 3
#> 58 0.116 3
#> 59 0.118 3
#> 60 0.120 3
#> 61 0.122 3
#> 62 0.124 3
#> 63 0.126 3
#> 64 0.128 3
#> 65 0.130 3
#> 66 0.132 3
#> 67 0.134 3
#> 68 0.136 3
#> 69 0.138 3
#> 70 0.140 3
#> 71 0.142 3
#> 72 0.144 3
#> 73 0.146 3
#> 74 0.148 3
#> 75 0.150 3
#> Available components:
#> [1] "model" "option" "IC.results" "alpha.results"
#> [5] "icp.torus" "Jhat" "alphahat"
also provides the selected model; that
is, since icp.torus.score
is the function for the model
fitting, hyperparam.torus
selects the model of the chosen
is the selected model, and we will
generate the resulting clusters with it.
With cluster.assign.torus
, we can generate the cluster
for option mixture
and kmeans
, and for each
data point, the label of cluster is assigned. Moreover, for the case of
, we can check how the cluster is generated directly
as below:
c_kmeans <- cluster.assign.torus(icp.torus.kmeans, level = alphahat)
plot(icp.torus.kmeans, level = alphahat)
Also, with the assigned cluster labels, we can visualize the clusters with colored data points;
#> Number of clusters: 2
#> -------------
#> Clustering results by log density:
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#> cluster sizes: 209 791
#> Clustering results by posterior:
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#> cluster sizes: 245 755
#> Clustering results by representing outliers:
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
#> cluster sizes: 196 704 100
#> Note: cluster id = 3 represents outliers.
#> Clustering results by Mahalanobis distance:
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#> cluster sizes: 209 791
#> 990 clustering results are omitted.
#> Warning in get_plot_component(plot, "guide-box"): Multiple components found;
#> returning the first one. To return all, use `return_all = TRUE`.
It seems that the resulting clusters perform satisfactory compared to the original cluster assignments.
If you clearly follow the examples, it will be relatively easy to use
the other options for the argument method = "kde"
method = "mixture"
of the model fitting function
, and for the argument
option = "AIC"
, option = "BIC"
option = "elbow"
of the hyperparameter selecting function
. You may need the detailed manual. In the
package manual, concrete examples and descriptions for the functions and
their arguments are listed. Please check the package manual and see the